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Photography By Charise: I've been tagged!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I've been tagged!!!

Well, I've been tagged by the wonderful Amanda, of Amanda Prince Photography.... So here's how it works...I list 8 random facts about me and then tag 8 more photographers to do the same.

8 Random Facts about me....

1. I hate to wear shoes...I go barefoot most of the time but when I must wear shoes flip flops are my top choice. I think I own somewhere around 15 pairs.

2. I am not a coffee drinker but rather addicted to Diet Coke.

3. I curse WAY more than I should. In fact I think I'm going to make a conscious effort to stop that.

4. I have a sick addiction to anything creative. Not only do I love the creativity of photography but here are a few other creative things I have done, embroidery, sewing, tole painting, crocheting, jewelry making, purse making, wood crafts, faux painting...I think that's all.

5. I'm a reality TV junkie

6. 3 of my very good friends and I all have the same symbol for "friend" tattooed on the lower, inner side of our right foot.

7. I once had my tongue pierced but sadly had to take it out a few years ago.

8. My husband and I were high school sweethearts. We meet in 1993, started dating not too long after and here we are 14 years later happily married! turn to TAG some friends.

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